Mr. Adams is the principal advisor to the Deputy Naval Inspector General for Marine Corps Matters/Inspector General of the Marine Corps (IGMC) with full authority to act in all matters within the mission of the IGMC. He is the senior civilian authority for promoting Marine Corps combat readiness, institutional integrity, effectiveness, discipline, and credibility through impartial and independent inspections, assessments, inquiries, investigations, teaching, and training. Acting under the authority, direction, and control of Secretary of the Navy, the IGMC is responsible to investigate and report upon the efficiency of the Marine Corps and its preparation to support military operations by combatant commands. Mr. Adams has extensive inspector general experience gained over the past 16 years and is certified by the Association of Inspectors General.
Prior to assuming his current position, Mr. Adams served as the Deputy Inspector General and Inspector General Naval Sea Systems Command, which encompassed 34 subordinate commands and 95 members. Mr. Adams began his career in the U.S. Marine Corps, achieving the rank of CWO5, and retired after 30 years of faithful service.
His personal awards and decorations include the Legion of Merit; Meritorious Service Medal (3); Navy Commendation Medal (2); Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal (3); Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal, Good Conduct Medal (3); Global War on Terrorism Service Medal; Superior Civilian Service Award, and the Meritorious Civilian Service Award.
He holds a Bachelor of Science in Management Studies, University of Maryland, University College, and extensive Professional Military Education and experiential leadership training including Basic Non-Criminal Investigator Training Program (Federal Law Enforcement Training Center); Reid Technique Advanced course; and the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute.