Independent Command Inspection (ICI)

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Inspections Division
Inspector General of the Marine Corps

Independent Command Inspection (ICI)

  • Conducted by the IGMC inspections Division in accordance with MCO 5040.6J

  • Independent Command Inspections fall under two categories

    • The first are those commands not directly under the operational or administrative chain of command of a major subordinate command and/or are not inspected as part of any other Commanding General's Inspection Program (CGIP) 

    • The second category is those commands that, although they have their own CGIP, their subordinate units are geographically separated, like MARFORRES or MARFORCYBER

      • Commands like these will only have their HQ inspected. 

        • As the schedule permits, the subordinate commands will be inspected (comparative analysis and/or shadow) at a different time than the HQs

ICIs are typically conducted every other fiscal year (24 months). 

Deputy Commandant for Aviation

Deputy Commandant for Combat Development and Integration
Deputy Commandant for Information
Deputy Commandant for Installations and Logistics
Deputy Commandant for Manpower and Reserve Affairs
Deputy Commandant for Plans, Policies, and Operations
Deputy Commandant for Programs and Resources
Marine Helicopter Squadron One 
Headquarters and Service Battalion, Headquarters Marine Corps
Marine Corps Forces Central Command
Marine Corps Forces Europe and Africa
U.S. Marine Corps Forces, Korea
U.S. Marine Corps Forces, South
Marine Corps Systems Command
U.S. Marine Corps Forces Cyberspace Command
U.S. Marine Corps Forces Reserve
U.S. Marine Corps Forces, Pacific
Headquarters and Service Battalion, U.S. Marine Corps Forces, Pacific
Marine Corps Recruiting Command
Wounded Warrior Regiment
Wounded Warrior Battalion East
Wounded Warrior Battalion West
Marine Corps Installations Command
Marine Corps Logistics Command


Inspector General of the Marine Corps