Intelligence Oversight

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Inspector General of the Marine Corps
Headquarters Marine Corps


To ensure the effective implementation of Marine Corps-wide Oversight of Intelligence, Counterintelligence, Sensitive activities, and special access programs. To establish policies and ensure their legality, propriety, and regulatory compliance with appropriate DoD/DoN guidance.
Examples of sensitive activities include:

  • Military support to civil authorities.
  • Lethal support/training to non-USMC agencies.
  • CONUS off-base training.
  • Covered, clandestine, undercover activities.
  • Intelligence collection on U.S. persons.

Please submit classified complaints to the IGMC SIPR Hotline OMB at and inform IGMC Assistance and Hotline via the NIPR OMB at

Summer 2024 Overwatch

Intelligence Oversight Commanders Handbook May 2024


Intelligence Oversight Update 20221130

Fall 2024 Overwatch

DoD Directive 5148.13 - Intelligence Oversight

Mailing Address:
Inspector General of the Marine Corps
Attn: Intelligence Oversight
701 S. Courthouse Rd
Building 12, Suite 1J165
Arlington, VA 22204

Inspector General of the Marine Corps