To ensure allegations of fraud, waste, abuse, mismanagement, misconduct, and whistleblower reprisal are properly recorded and routed for action by the appropriate office or agency; to provide assistance services and referrals for non-IG matters; and to provide oversight and training to subordinate IG personnel for Hotline management throughout the Marine Corps.
Discussion of how to file a complaint and remain Anonymous or Confidential.
MCO 5430.1A w/ Admin CH - The act of protecting a complainant’s or witness’s identity, and any information that may lead to the identification of the complainant or witness, to the extent possible under applicable law and regulation.
MCO 5370.8A - Confidentiality is essential to the integrity of the IG process. The identity of case persons, to include complainants and subjects, must be protected from unauthorized or unnecessary disclosure outside of IG channels. The names of complainants will not be forwarded outside of IG channels unless the complainant’s identity is necessary to address the complaint, and the complainant consents. If a complainant elects to remain confidential, IG personnel must explain to them that it may not be possible to fully address their complaint, and give the complainant the opportunity to waive confidentiality. This contact will be documented in a case note.
The Department of Defense and the Secretary of the Navy Hotlines were designed to focus efforts to combat fraud, waste, and mismanagement throughout DoD and the Navy. The Assistance and Hotline Division will inquire into non-criminal, non-frivolous, and substantive allegations submitted in a timely manner that violate a law, rule, regulation, or standard where no other recourse or process is available related to our mission, as stated above.
Submitting Complaint Online
Submit a Complaint - USE GOOGLE CHROME
Prior to submitting a hotline complaint via the web portal please use Google Chrome to access the application. Avoid using special characters (#$%&*@+=-_?/”:;) when completing the complaint form, except when inputting an e-mail address under individual information. The use of special characters may result in an error when submitting the complaint.